Monday, December 24, 2007

Meet Rita

I never thought that I would end up becoming one of those people who carry photos of their dogs around, let alone show others those photos... but you have admit, Rita is pretty cute. She's my art assistant when I work from home, keeping me company with occasional licks and silent conversation. If she had opposable fingers and thumbs then maybe I could have her help me with my underdrawings, but in the meantime, I'm content to her just occupying the shotgun seat to my right.


  1. I LOVE Rita!! You should bring her more often to the studio in 2008!

  2. Rita is a cutie. Have you raced her against Sue's dog?

  3. owwwww she's soooo cute! I know how pets help me up and work too, my cat make me feel better just by being around me when I am up and doing something really late...!
    I wish my cat can walk w/ two legs and have conversation w/ me and help my works but so far it's only hope~~
