Saturday, December 22, 2007

MARCOSCHIN.COM is up!!!...again...

After about 4 years, I thought that it was finally time to update my website... well perhaps "update" isn't the best word to describe it... actually it underwent a complete face-lift. Thanks to my friend Yuko Shimizu who was my supportive advisor, and lifeline throughout this process, as well as the book, "Dreamweaver for Dummies," I managed to get something up where I can at least showcase the work that I have done over the past 3 years. Hopefully you'll like what you see. So again, welcome to MARCOSCHIN.COM!


  1. I see a resemblance to the Levy Creative site. It's very nice. I love it. It's fresh, clean, and very welcoming.

    Take care,


  2. Great site Marcos. Its great to see more work that I had not seen from you lately. Yes you have been behind the lines indeed, but came out with a new and great looking site. KUDOS to you!! oh by the way. I added direct link capability to out site so people can access your interview without browsing the whole site..

  3. Marcos!

    Your work space always looks eerily the same; in the apartment, on Spadina, in NY... WTF?!


  4. Marcos,

    Just came across your work tonight - I love it.

    I'm starting up a small online gallery and store, and sent you an email about it tonight.

    Hope you don't mind, but I love your illustration :)

  5. I love your art, Marcos...I see it a lot when i'm riding BART here in SF...keep up the good work!
