Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Gold Medal from the Society of Illustrators, NY
I found out yesterday that I won the Gold medal for the Society of Illustrator's Institutional category. This piece is called Textiles, and was published within a book promo, entitled "X-Factor" for my agent at The Art Department. I'm thrilled. I've been working on a new set of fashion inspired illustrations over the past few months; this is one sample of it. More to come in the next several months (hopefully). It's hard to crack the whip on yourself sometimes when there's no one else there to motivate you. In any event, congratulations to all of the Society of Illustrator winners; I've seen some of the selected pieces... it's going to be a great show all across the board.


  1. CONGRATS!!! such a gorgeous illustration!

  2. Wow, Marcos! Gold! And it's a beautiful piece. Congratulations, man.

  3. Subtle genius, congrats! I recently watched this TED talk that reminded me of your 4am post: http://www.ted.com/talks/rives_on_4_a_m.html

  4. Congratulations on gold! Beautiful piece! Very well deserved!

  5. thanks for the nice comments everyone!
    *i'll check out the link colleen...
    ** joyce! it was great meeting you... seeing your photo, it's no wonder why i didn't recognize you. ha!

  6. Great piece. Now I know why I got the silver. Really love your work.

  7. Haha sorry to confuse you.. but I love my mustaches :D
