Tuesday, September 13, 2011

New Website (again)
I just finished making my new website. I seriously had to edit it because it was beginning to cause problems for users. It didn't work on iPhones, nor iPads, and I realized that the format was not showcasing my images the way that I wanted for them to be viewed. Although it's still not entirely complete, i.e., my "News" section is pretty slim, and I'm missing images in some other sections, I feel it gives a pretty good breadth of my illustration work.
I kept it pretty simple, using CSS to create a style sheet (courtesy of "CSS for Dummies, how-to book) and Dreamweaver.

Okay, massively full day today.
I'm out.
Enjoy your day!


  1. Great website Marcos, and a fantastic body of work too.

  2. I am loving the new site!Always loved your work.
