Saturday, January 23, 2010


Here's a direct link to my talk at FITC in Toronto last April 2009. I was invited to speak at FITC's conference which was devoted to Flash, moving image, motion and interarctive art and design. I wrote briefly about my experience on my blog, and you can find it a few news items below this under FITC Toronto (posted April 29, 2009); however, again this is a direct link to my lecture on the Adobe TV website.
I was very surprised and flattered that I was invited to speak at this 3 day conference, as well as on a panel with fine artist, Camille Utterback, Jared Ficklin (Frog Design), Dr. Whohoo, Shaun Hamontree (MK12), and Craig Swann (who moderated this discussion) because my work, although mostly done digitally, has no motion component. Still, I tried my best to speak moreso about my process, not necesarily focusing on a how-to method of creating my illustrations using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, but rather sharing my portfolio and revealing some my thoughts and experiences which are related to my studio practice, and how my work has evolved over the past 9 years.

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