Thursday, July 30, 2009

Last night, my friend (and illustrator extraordinaire) Fernanda Cohen and I participated in "Happening 002" at Collective Hardware in the Lower East Side. It was a fun night of drawing and art making on the spot accompanied by Mikkel Hess' (of Hess is More) drum sessions. Other artists in attendance were Alessandra Olanow, and Bill and Cassady Benson. The five of us sketched each other, the scenes around us, or whatever were in our heads and then posted our sketches up on the wall. At the end the night these sketches were either sold, or given away or exchanged for the works by other artists The remaining drawings that were left on the walls were then ritualistically torn up and thrown onto the floor marking the end of the night. Many thanks to Seth Cohen for making this happen(ing).Sketches by Bill (left), Alessandra Olanow (top) and Cassady Benson (on the right).Mikkel Hess of Hess is More performing his drum sketches periodically throughout the night.You can see a sketch of Mikkel that I did, the second drawing from the left of the red figure over a braided abstract background. Another drawing of mine above of my friend David Singer; below that are two by Fernanda Cohen.

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